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  • DESCRIPTION: The NIH Roadmap Epigenomics Mapping Consortium was launched with the goal of producing a public resource of human epigenomic data to catalyze basic biology and disease-oriented research. The project has generated high-quality, genome-wide maps of several key histone modifications, chromatin accessibility, DNA methylation and mRNA expression across 100s of human cell types and tissues.
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  • CITATION: Kundaje, A., Meuleman, W., Ernst, J., Bilenky, M., Yen, A., & Heravi-Moussavi, A. Roadmap Epigenomics Consortium: integrative analysis of 111 reference human epigenomes. Nature, 518, 317.
  • CITATION: Bernstein, B. E., Stamatoyannopoulos, J. A., Costello, J. F., Ren, B., Milosavljevic, A., Meissner, A., ... & Thomson, J. A. (2010). The NIH roadmap epigenomics mapping consortium. Nature biotechnology, 28(10), 1045-1048.